Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Today was a national day of mourning for President Ford, meaning that my dad and the rest of the federal employees had the day off to mourn, watch Fox's live coverage of the funeral, do housework, or just goof off. Extended vacations are always nice; no one wants to go back to work after New Year's.

We also put Jen on a plane back to Chicago tonight. Her classes start tomorrow at 11, and her plane just got in (it's about 9 PM), so she's going out with her friends to party and catch up. Winter quarter is apparently a pain at Northwestern because Evanston is so abysmally cold this time of year, but at least she's off the crew team and can now sleep in past dawn. For me, soon to be back in Edinburgh, this would mean sleeping until at least 8:15. I will miss Alabama's significantly earlier dawns next week, though I won't be too sad to leave Jack, the neighbors' dog, and his 7 AM bark-fests.

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