Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A winter wonderland it ain't

Edinburgh...tsk, tsk.

Apparently, while I was taking my half-hour nap at eight tonight (hey, Pasta Coma happens, and at least I'm no longer taking pre-bed naps on the floor during L&O: SVU like last year), it snowed. You couldn't prove it by me. When I looked out the window, the pavement was wet, but nothing flake-like was falling. The only way I knew anything had happened was by a few "Is is snowing?" IMs from Anurag. Maybe his side of the building got snow. Mine got jack.

Another thing: it was beautiful today, cold but lovely and clear-skied. Where did the hypothetical snow come from, and why is it wet now? Edinburgh, for all of our sakes, make up your mind!

Off topic, I highly recommend Brookstone's "Nap" socks, which are quite warm, blue, chenille-y, and fit nicely over the other socks I wore to class (you know, with the suede boots, since it wasn't raining today...oh, wait...).

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