Sunday, January 28, 2007

Missing sopranos

Today was the quarterly Communion Sunday at church, meaning that the servers all sat around the table this morning instead of out in the pews. I didn't realize this until I got there and was told that all the women, and possibly both men, would be absent from the choir.

Fortunately, we had one man, and so we decided to try everything duet-style. Emily slipped in after the first song (with a half-hour walk, I can understand the tardiness), but that still meant only three people, two of them typically altos, and three unfamiliar hymns. Fine, I thought as we processed (still without Emily), if I'm carrying the treble section, I might as well sing the melody.

Today, however, happened to be the day that most of the melodies were in the stratosphere. Fortunately for me, my nerves about reading this morning were pushing my voice up (and making my legs shake, but that's another matter), so the first E wasn't much of a stretch. It wasn't until the final hymn, "Christ is Made The Sure Foundation," that I started to feel the burn. Not only was there a written E, but it was modulated up.

"I don't like playing in A," Roy explained after the fact. "That was only B-flat."
"But that made it an F," I pointed out, wondering how badly I had squeaked.
"Well," said Emily, "at least my abs got a workout."

Over lunch, I caught a few minutes of American Idol auditions, which made me feel somewhat better.

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