Thursday, January 25, 2007

Random mirth

While killing time on Wikipedia this afternoon (What? Everybody does it...), I ran across a listing of the worst films ever. Having now read the plot summary for Plan 9 From Outer Space, I can honestly say I don't feel compelled to ever see it. The Star Wars Christmas Special, yes. Plan 9, not so much.

I did, however, find a link to the people who made my favorite B-movie, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. (The name doesn't begin to describe's a Canadian film with a Mexican wrestler, among other things.) Much to my amusement, their website has a downloadable version of the end song, "Everybody Gets Laid Tonight." In the realm of "so bad it's good" films, anything featuring a song with the lyrics, "He came from Heaven/Two stakes in his hand" has got to be near the top.

Thank you, YPMB, for showing me this cinematic gem. I still have no idea where you got the video.

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