Saturday, October 21, 2006

Culinary success

I made mashed potatoes tonight with nothing more than a fork! Score!

That wasn't the only oddity about the situation. First off, Tesco's idea of "baking potatoes" is roughly the same as the American idea of "potato that's bigger than a new potato but is in no way suitable as a stand-alone side dish." Still, once I found a handy kettle and matching lid (wow, what a concept...), a cutting board, and a knife that sort of cut, I was able to chop a couple of those suckers up and get the water boiling. I left the skins on - peeling's not really my forte, and anyway, I could probably use the extra vitamins. The water only boiled over twice before I turned the heat all the way down.

Ten minutes or so on the stove, and they were ready to be savagely attacked by a splash of milk and a sturdy fork. I missed the electric mixer. I missed it badly.

The spuds came out well, however, unlike some of my previous weekend attempts at actual food, and now I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Wow. Honest-to-God leftovers. Just like Sunday lunch at home, only without the homemade lasagna my parents are now enjoying without me...

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