Saturday, October 14, 2006

Yet another glorious Saturday

Honestly, I don't know how long this trend is going to last.

It seems that God has realized we can only take so many gray, rainy days before we lose it entirely, so the last five Saturdays have all either been beautiful in parts or all day. Today was one of those all-day affairs. After a stroll to the farmers' market this morning (where I could have purchased wild boar or ostrich, if I'd have had the mind), I went to the Modern Art Gallery with Ariel, an art student who, coincidentally, actually knows about art. It was fun - I'd never been to the gallery, and the show going on now was Mapplethorpe, so we had an interesting mix of kids, orchids, Andy Warhol, and S&M. Weird guy, but very talented photographer.

Tonight is V for Vendetta, to make up for last time's screening of Ever After. We'll fit Pride and Prejudice in eventually - fair warning...

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