Sunday, October 22, 2006

Good news and bad

First, the good news: I have now joined Kirk o' Field's choir. Granted, there are only four, maybe five, people in the choir at any one time, and since next week is Communion and most of the choir is serving, we may just be a treble duet, but it's a church choir. They're very friendly, and they got so excited when I said I wanted to join up. Practice is half an hour before services. I can handle that.

Now the bad: I decided to take a walk this afternoon, and headed over to Princes Street for a little retail therapy. Unfortunately, I have Armani leanings on a TopShop budget, and I wasn't seeing anything I was just dying to have. I finally wound up in Jenners just to look at the pretty stuff I couldn't afford (man, I miss the power of the parental AMEX), and headed up to their admittedly swanky food hall for a look around. On the wall was a display of Jelly Bellies. You know, the mix-n-match jelly beans found in such fine retailers as Target and many major supermarkets.

Well, it was the first time I'd seen them since I came over here (which should have been a hint), so I grabbed a baggie and got probably a pound of jelly beans to munch on during the week. There were no price signs around the jelly beans, but this didn't really faze me - how much could jelly beans be, right?

Oh, stupid mistake.

I get to the check-out counter to pay for the beans, only to discover that they were £8.58. SEVENTEEN DOLLARS FOR JELLY BEANS?!? was the thought running through my mind, but you can't very well put them back, now can you?

At least they're fresh. I think.

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