Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sunday. 'Nough said.

Today will not go on record as one of my most productive, though I did rise at eight and immediately proceed to the shower and the laundry. I had my clothes clean and semi-dry by the time church started, and headed over to Kirk o' Field for lack of a better idea.

The church has teatime after services, so I headed downstairs with the little old ladies for a cup before heading back to Richmond Place and (theoretically) working. I was invited to join a few sweet souls at their table, who I managed to learn were all in their mid-seventies at the youngest and had grandchildren slightly older than me. The one man at the table had graduated Edinburgh some fifty years ago, and thus had plenty of stories to tell me about the good old days. I had to smile - I've heard similar tales from the alumni at Glee Club functions, though most of theirs are about the good old days before women entered. What can I say, we're a distraction.

After tea, I went home and semi-successfully made myself scrambled eggs (the black bits were actually burned egg and not pepper, but the cheese made up for it). This was followed by a bit of reading and a nap, calling home, an unmerited study break at Bean Scene, Tesco, an attempt to make dinner in a monopolized kitchen, more reading, a bit of writing, and drinks out. All in all, an enjoyable day and evening, though hopefully tomorrow will actually be productive. We shall see...

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