Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or treat?

Huzzah! We've made it to yet another Halloween! Sadly, I'll not be in attendance at the YSO Halloween Drunken Fiesta Shindig tonight, which is a pity, but instead we're having yet another Creative Writing-related Halloween party. The theme is 'tuxedos and blood.' Should be interesting...

I was told on Sunday that the British actually make their kids work for candy while trick or treating. In the States, it's just a matter of ringing the doorbell and looking cute. Here, they supposedly have to sing a song or recite a poem or some other such nonsense. Personally, if I were asked to recite a poem for an orange (yes, some actually give fruit in lieu of candy), I'd probably TP the house. This is Halloween, people, night of free candy! Either you hand over the treat, or the kiddies do you a trick. That's the deal.

Perhaps I should have learned a poem after all, as the postal service has yet again denied me my care packages. Trick or treat, indeed.

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