Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This Gaelic moment brought to you by...

We've been here three and a half weeks, and now it's time to have some fun with Scottish television. Best program of the week (since I've only see The Simpsons once, and My Hero only plays on Mondays) has to be Extreme Dreams, in which the host takes five unlikley subjects on a crazy adventure. This week's trip is an arctic expedition, and the cast - two twenty-somethings, a control-freak teacher, an Welsh ex-soldier, and a self-professed "lady of leisure" - aren't faring too well. Tell me, if you've never been on skis before, why would you go on an arctic expedition?!?

Following this half-hour of pulse-quickening entertainment at these poor slobs' expense was a Gaelic language moment - a cartoon that attempted to teach a couple of phrases. Tonight's involved flea powder. Not quite so useful as, "Pardon me, where's the toilet?" or "What's in this haggis, old chap?" but it's a start.

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