Thursday, October 19, 2006

Culture Night

Thanks to Ruth, who happened to know that student tickets at Scottish Chamber Orchestra concerts are only £5, five of us enjoyed a night of Romantic pieces, including a Weber overture, a lovely Mendelssohn piano concerto, and a Schumann symphony. Highlights of the performance included the conductor's frenetic arms and waving hair, the concert master's crazy wiggling, and the pianist's rotations to the beat. It was an active orchestra, to say the least. Still, it was quite strange to be on the receiving end of an orchestral performance; most of the ones I've attended in recent years have been heard from the risers behind the orchestra. I miss you, YGC!

After culture, we headed to a nifty vodka bar for drinks. Ella and I indulged in the cheap virgin coladas, as we had no change on us, while Ruth, Leigh, and Cali each got something involving raspberry, vodka, and crazy amounts of frozen fruit. The best bits of the place include their insanely large (and colorful) menu, the "USA" shooter, the "American Psycho" pitcher (put everything ever distilled in the USA in one glass and serve cold with Coke), the £60 pitcher with an entire bottle of Moet & Chandon included in the mix, various vodka-based drinks with a liberal amount of chocolate added in, and the window display of tiny bottles of absinthe, which is 138-proof. Green fairy, anyone?

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