Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Best name ever

Let's hear it for the British upper crust, source of endless debate, scandal, and a selection of fancy hats!

There are some real winners among the names and titles, but one stands head and shoulders above the rest. I didn't know this guy existed until the news tonight, but let me present the best name ever: Lord Adonis.

If I were a peer, I would want to be this guy.

As it turns out (thanks, Wikipedia), he's an English-Cypriot Baron who was born Andreas Adonis. While this is certainly a fine name on its own, stick the honorific in front and you've got what is possibly the greatest title ever.

So he's not particularly liked by some politicians. They're probably just jealous of the name. I mean, come on, Adonis? Says it all, man. Says it all.

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