Monday, November 13, 2006

Weekend recovery

Today is a lovely day in Edinburgh - cold, yes, but nowhere nearly as unplesant as the weekend's temperatures! The morning's writing has been successful, I received the book I ordered off Amazon, I got another letter from the convent, and I'm finally doing laundry.

There are many things I never imagined myself saying before I came to Edinburgh:
"Let's get lunch at the mosque!"
"Half a pint of Strongbow, please."
"It's half seven, where the hell are you?"
"I've got to top up my mobile."

Probably the oddest among them is, "Hey! I got a letter from the convent! Sweet!" It's amazing what actual mail will do to lighten your spirits, especially when it's from nuns. This one wasn't from Mary, but Sr. Mary Karen said that they liked the candy I sent last time. Tablet is one of those things that crosses borders well. Haggis, not so much. Note to self...

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