Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bonfire Night 2006

To celebrate Guy Fawkes Day, Leigh, Cali, Ian, and I headed out to Arthur's Seat for a little fireworks viewing. The three of us had convinced Ian that actually setting off our own fireworks wasn't such a hot idea. The scene at the park rather reinforced this view - some folks had accidentally set their own bonfire on the mountain.

The resulting video should be viewed with four things in mind:

1) I'm not so great with video cameras, and this wasn't even a proper video camera, anyway.
2) The lighting was anything but ideal.
3) I didn't have a tripod.
4) I didn't realize I had sound until I imported the files. Huh. Imagine that.

That said, Cali and I think the premise (sitting around, watching something bad happen while making comments and passing the candy) could have a great future as a one-act play. This video, however...well, judge for yourself.

Yeah...that's why I'm in Creative Writing, and not film school. The Academy isn't throwing trophies my way...

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