Saturday, November 18, 2006

It's Game Day...

...and I'm closer to Cambridge, UK than Cambridge, MA. This is unfortunate, because no matter how much NFL The Peartree shows, it sure as heck isn't going to be broadcasting The Game today.


And so, armed with my D'port fleece, my D'port sweatshirt, my D'port scarf, and possibly my D'port hat if the weather takes a turn for the worse, I try to think happy thoughts about Yale's performance this afternoon. (Guys, if you don't beat Harvard, the ghosts of '05 and '06 will join with '07 in rising up and destroying you. But have a good time!)

Thanks to IvyGate, I just heard about the release of 108 Tongues's newest Game "anthem." For the uninformed, 108 Tongues is proof of why Yalies should never go on to become rappers. We just don't have the street cred, you know? Anyway, for a good laugh, or to hear the latest attempt to give the Yale-Harvard rivalry what IvyGate called a "Blood-Crips overlay," check these guys out:

(Parental Advisory: don't click the link if you're easily offended. The rhymes are bad, but they're very trashy nonetheless.)

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