Tuesday, November 28, 2006

One week

It hit me today while I was sitting in the hallway before class, reading a horribly bad novel I bought at a rummage sale, that I'm going home one week from today. Less than that, actually - my flight leaves Edinburgh at 9 AM, so I'll be in New Jersey by now this time next week.

Where did the semester go?

I'm sitting here with my (mercifully cooperative) laptop, my spiffy A4-stocked printer, my squeaky haggis, my Famous Grouse tin-turned-penny-holder, a cup of herbal tea, and half a bowl of All Bran Crunchy Oatbakes (bad name, but whatever). I got to browse the German Market again today, and even saw a few brave souls out on the ice rink in the garden. The weather cooperated for most of the day. We haven't had a fire drill in weeks. The Jeremy Kyle Show is still entertaining. The turkey I grilled for dinner tonight on the stove's grill rack actually tasted like real meat.

I have come to terms with the fact that I will not finish my current project before going home, but otherwise I seem to have survived the first semester. All is right with the world.

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